Episode Title:
The Light That Sweeps Away the Darkness.Episode Description:
Ban and Meliodas defeat a group of demons, saving villagers that had been captured as demons' food after falling into a trap set by another village in Camelot. As the two of them camp out, Meliodas recalls how his power increases exponentially when he returns to his former demonic self, but also the fear of losing himself that comes with it. The two of them continue to set out to eradicate demons, tracing the trap to a village in Camelot, where the Ten Commandments have made their stronghold. In the village, a young boy named Peliodas who aspires to be the Dragon's Sin of Wrath (Meliodas) attempts to fight the demons to stop his community from continually capturing sacrifices for them, but fails. They are ultimately saved by Ban and Meliodas, along with Gowther, Escanor, Merlin and Elizabeth. The King of Liones appoints Howzer as the new acting Great Holy Knight, needing a leader to rise during this dark age. Privately, the King reveals to the current 5 members of the Seven Deadly Sins a premonition of his: the Sins will reassemble when the moon shines at midday and the fog hangs low in the royal capital. In the Fairy King's Forest, the final 2 members Diane and King encounter each other unexpectedly in a bathing river.