
Tomo-chan Is a Girl! Episode 1 English Dubbed


Episode Title:
I Want to Be Seen as a Girl! / A Terrifying Challenge
Episode Description:
I Want to Be Seen as a Girl!: Tomo Aizawa, a tomboy, unsuccessfully confesses her love to her childhood friend Junichiro Kubota. Later on, after Tomo asks her best friend Misuzu Gundou for advice, she tries to change the way she talks with Junichiro, but they instead fight. Sometime later, both Junichiro and Misuzu forget their umbrellas and wait for Tomo to walk them home. Junichiro angrily pushes Misuzu into the rain after she teases him before he and Tomo depart together at Misuzu's suggestion. Tomo bolts away after Junichiro comes close to prevent her from getting wet, and he does the same thing after he accidentally sees her soaked clothes.
A Terrifying Challenge: Tomo attends the boys' karate club, much to the admiration of captain Kosuke Misaki. When she asks him for advice, a flustered Kosuke exclaims she is charming the way she is. Later on, two girls, Mifune and Ogawa, try to approach Kosuke after school, but they see him with Tomo. When they approach Tomo, she mistakenly believes they are challenging her to fight. After Misuzu explains the situation to Tomo, they meet behind the gym, where the terrified pair tell Tomo they like Kosuke. An excited Tomo then promises to help them.

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