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After his initial victory, Canute prevents Floki and his Jomsvikings from pillaging the farm so that he can acquire it intact. With Ketil incapacitated, it falls to his nominated successor, Olmar, to decide whether to fight or surrender, a decision made difficult by the results of the battle with many of their men laying dead and wounded around him. He decides to surrender, accepting his responsibility in starting the conflict and the foolishness of his pride, and Thorgil storms off. Meanwhile, Thorfinn approaches Canute's camp alone and is greeted by a towering Jomsviking named Drott the Bear Killer, who ridicules his request to talk to the king and knocks him down. Einar arrives and tries to convince Thorfinn to leave, but instead he accepts the soldiers' bet that if he survives 100 punches from Drott, he can have his audience with the king.