
Wakfu Special Episode 2 The Quest for the Six Dofus Eliatropes - Book 2: Ush


Episode Title:
The Quest for the Six Dofus Eliatropes - Book 2: Ush.
Episode Description:
While checking out the Count's trophy room, which contains some old relics of Nox, including his special telescope, as well as 2 Eliatrope Dofus', Percidel is contacted by Goultard via their telepathic connection, though seeing it in action confuses everyone. Goultard talks to them though Rubliax and gives them all a startling revelation: Percedal is, in fact, the current incarnation of the Iop God with his powers slowly returning after Goultard, his child from a past life, defeated Rushu in battle and after Percedal went into an advanced state of being after his children, who are now revealed to be Demi-Gods, were threatened by the Count's goons.

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