
Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 3 Episode 21 English Dubbed


Episode Title:
Words for My Friends
Episode Description:
After inviting Barbatos over for snacks, Sullivan reveals to her several high-ranking demons have been kidnapped by the Musashino Gang. He asks Barbatos to continue tutoring Iruma, then informs her Iruma is human. Barbatos is so shocked Sullivan offers to erase her memory, but she decides to keep the secret. Asmodeus invites Iruma and Clara to his home where Clara causes her usual chaos, until Asmodeus gloats that Clara is still Gimel, 3rd rank, so Clara gloats about playing with Iruma in her Toy Box. Iruma feels tremendous guilt he still hasn't told them he is human, when Asmodeus' mother, Amu, overhears his guilt about keeping secrets and assures him keeping secrets is not a bad thing, unless he feels he can't be their friend without telling them. Iruma instead tells them how much their friendship means to him, including how much they both truly helped him during the Harvest Festival. Privately, he hopes to tell them the truth one day...

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