Dragon Ball Super Episode 101 English Subbed
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Episode Title:
The Impending Warriors of Justice! The Pride Troopers!!.Episode Description:
As Goku prepares to fight Jiren before Top drives him off with a barrage of ki blasts, Top telling Jiren that Kahseral, Tupper (タッパー, Tappā), Zoire (ゾイレー, Zoirē), Cocotte (ココット, Kokotto), and Kettle (ケットル, Kettoru) will deal with Goku while they conserve their stamina. Goku ends up where Caulifla and Kale as Kahseral's group find them, deciding to go after Kale to avenge Vewon with the Sixth Universe Saiyans forced into a temporary alliance with Goku. Meanwhile, Master Roshi and Tien take out the Third Universe's Za Priccio (ザ・プリーチョ, Za Purīcho) before regrouping with Gohan, Piccolo, Vegeta, and Frieza, who has defeated Murichim. The Pride Troopers push Goku, Caulifla, and Kale to the brink until the Androids arrive to their aid. Android 17 easily overpowers Kahseral until he falls back to the others after learning Android 18 and Goku defeated Tupper. The remaining Pride Troopers focus their assault on the wounded Caulifla and Kale after the latter was sealed in pocket dimension by Cocotte, who forms another dimension to prevent Goku and the Androids from interfering. As the four Pride Troopers beat Caulifla, Kale's self-hatred causes her to assume a stable version of her Legendary Super Saiyan form, breaking free of her prison before she and Caulifla use a combination attack to blast Kahseral, Zoire, and Kettle out of the ring. Cocotte seals herself in a mini-dimension to avoid the blast, only to be thrown out of the ring instead by Android 18. Goku allows Caulifla and Kale to leave so he can fight them after they get stronger, though he and the Androids are unaware that Brianne de Chateau is observing them.