Dragon Ball Super Episode 102 English Subbed
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Episode Title:
The Power of Love Explodes?! Universe 2's Little Witch Warriors!!.Episode Description:
Brianne de Chateau and her teammates Sanka Coo (サンカ・クー, Sanka Kū) and Sous Roas (スー・ロース, Sū Rōsu) announce themselves to the other fighters and begin to transform into their magical girl alter egos. Android 17 blasts them before they can transform, but Brianne de Chateau, Goku, and Top berate him for his dishonorable tactics and browbeat him into allowing them to transform, much to Beerus' dismay. They assume their alter egos Ribrianne, Kakunsa (カクンサ, Kakunsa), and Roasie (ロージィ, Rōjī) and barrage the arena with a powerful love based attack that brainwashes some of the fighters with the Seventh Universe fighters unaffected due to their mental discipline. Gohan's group elects to split up and fight independently. Vegeta attacks Ribrianne, who counters with a rolling attack that knocks out the Tenth Universe's Dyrasem (ジラセン, Jirasen). Roasie attacks Goku with a flurry of blows that grows more powerful the longer she keeps it up, while Kakunsa battles Android 17 with her animalistic fighting style. Android 17 baits her into overextending herself and stuns her with a barrier before he attempts to knock her out of the stage, only for her teammate Bikal (ビカル, Bikaru) to rescue her. Android 17 decides to stop holding back and swiftly eliminates both Second Universe fighters, his actions infuriating Ribrianne as she powers up to fight him.