Taimadou Gakuen 35 Shiken Shoutai Episode 8 English Subbed
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Episode Title:
Two Alchemists.Episode Description:
Ikaruga and Takeru are interrupted by the arrival of Alchemist helicopters and, promising Takeru they would have to have sex later, she claims she loves him and kisses him before drugging him so he can't follow. Mari, Oka and Usagi are freed from the Alchemist lab but resolve to break back in to rescue Ikaruga. Before they can they are stopped by the Chairman leading his army to war and gives them weapons and authorizes the use of their Relic Eaters. Takeru activates Lapis, removing the drug from his blood and equipping his Witch Hunter armour and sword. Takeru battles his way past the Alchemist controlled dragoons. The Chairman begins his attack on the lab. Takeru is joined by Oka while Usagi and Mari snipe from a distance. Inside the lab Isuka reveals after Ikaruga escaped she was modified by the scientists to be more focused and feel pain whenever she experienced an emotion, ensuring she wouldn't escape like Ikaruga did. Rather than hand over the cell Ikaruga wants to destroy the Dark Elf project and escape with Isuka like she wanted to 4 years ago. Isuka shoots Ikaruga in the leg, demanding she hand over the cell. Ikaruga reveals her experiments with the cell produced nanomachines which she implanted in her own body to alter her DNA into copies of the DNA within the cell. She activates her nanomachines and is transformed into a Dark Elf. Using Dark Elf magic she creates an Antimatter bomb and threatens to destroy the whole lab to save Isuka. Isuka is almost overcome with the pain of her emotions and is on the verge of agreeing to leave when they are both attacked by Haunted who stabs Isuka. Outside Takeru and Oka are running out of magic and their Relic Eaters are shutting down. Usagi is likewise nearly out of bullets. Enraged, Ikaruga sets off her bomb, destroying the top floor. She attempts to heal Isuka with her nanomachines but they are still imperfect and fail. Isuka reveals Ikaruga's Wood Elf baby Kanaria is still alive and with Valhalla before she dies. Haunted summons a mechanical dragon to destroy the building. Takeru saves Ikaruga from falling and then works with Oka to distract the dragon while Usagi shoots it with a wall mounted Railgun. Oka is injured and Takeru's Relic Eater runs out of magic and shuts down before he can finish the dragon. Mari quickly transfers her magic to Takeru's sword and the dragon is defeated with Takeru's final blow. Ikaruga resolves to keep fighting now she knows Kanaria is waiting for her. Takeru promises to help and pats her on the head, which she enjoys while crying over losing Isuka.