Taimadou Gakuen 35 Shiken Shoutai Episode 9 English Subbed
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Episode Title:
The 35th Drunken Platoon and Crazy Summer Time.Episode Description:
With Ikaruga back at the academy 35th platoon plan an undercover mission to prevent the black market trade of artefacts. Ikaruga doubts the girls can handle the mission as it involves going undercover in a Gentlemen's Club and they would have to entertain guests. At the club Oka struggles to deal with the male customers and is groped by their target and punches him, but they had the wrong target all along. They manage to arrest the real target but Oka feels depressed she made a mistake. The confiscated magical ring turns out to be almost worthless. Ikaruga suggests it might contain a love spell, causing the girls to argue over who should test it, ending with it getting stuck on Takeru's finger. The ring actually contains a spell of drunkenness, causing the girls to become drunk. Usagi talks like a baby and attempts to molest Takeru, Mari cries over Takeru only liking big breasts and shows him her own. Oka becomes extremely happy and also molests Takeru. Lapis sits in her chair with the hiccups. Ikaruga becomes extremely romantic toward Takeru but then vomits all over him. The next day 35th Platoon head to the beach to discover how the weather has been manipulated to cause summer to last far longer than is natural. Ikaruga reveals she hates summer weather. Takeru insists on having some fun. Mari and Usagi become jealous when Lapis sits on Takeru's lap the entire bus ride. Their investigation goes nowhere and they end up changing into swimsuits and playing beach games while Ikaruga sulks in the shade. Lapis shows an interest in fishing. Takeru rushes to the bathroom with a stomach-ache while the girls notice an injured boy who was attacked by a sea monster. Lapis confirms it is a rare magical Sea Hare with the ability to extend summer indefinitely. With Takeru stuck on the toilet, Ikaruga passed out from the heat and Oka unable to swim without sinking, capturing the Sea Hare is left to Usagi, Mari and Lapis. Lapis suggests fishing and attaches Usagi and Mari to a fishing rod. The giant creature appears and molests Mari and Usagi with its tentacles. With Takeru recovered he activates his Witch Hunter Armour to save the girls but ends up sinking from the weight of the armour. While underwater Lapis turns the sword into a fishing rod Takeru uses to capture the Sea Hare. Oka deactivates Mari's Gleipnir necklace and she uses her magic with Takeru's fishing rod to launch the Sea Hare onto the beach, defeating it. Their mission over Oka buys Mari, Lapis and Usagi ice creams as a treat for defeating the monster without her.