Episode Title:
Force of Habits
Episode Description:
Lori has come home for the weekend as she has a dinner date with Bobby. She talks with Leni and Luna where Leni brings up the annoying habit of Gavin snorting while laughing. While out with Bobby, Lori sees an annoying habit with Bobby breaking into song for no reason and Luna sees an annoying habit with Sam being indecisive in the line for the movie's snack bar. 16 1/2 Magazine gives the advice for Lori, Leni, and Luna to work on getting their dates over their annoying habits. Afterwards, they work on a triple date to Dairyland where Bobby states that Lori says "literally" all the time, Gavin states that Leni is taking selfies on SwiftyPic, and Sam states that Luna doing a drum solo in line. This causes the triple-date at Dairyland to be affected.